Terminal Multiplexer.
Managing sessions
Command | |
tmux new -s session_name | Create a new session with the name session_name |
C-b d | Detach from the current session |
tmux ls | List all sessions |
tmux attach -t session_name | Attach to a session with the name session_name |
tmux kill-session -t session_name | Kill a session with the name session_name |
tmux kill-server | Kill all the server and all tmux sessions |
Managing windows
Command | |
tmux new-window -n window_name | Create a new window with the name window_name |
C-b c | Create a new window |
C-b w | List all windows |
C-b 0 | Switch to window 0 |
C-b n | Switch to the next window |
C-b p | Switch to the previous window |
tmux select-window -t window_name | Select a window with the name window_name |
C-b , or tmux rename-window new_window_name | Rename the current window to new_window_name |
C-b & or tmux kill-window -t window_name | Kill a window with the name window_name |
Managing panes
Shortcut | |
C-b % | Split the current pane vertically |
C-b " | Split the current pane horizontally |
C-b q | Show pane numbers. Type the number to switch to the pane. |
C-b o | Switch to the next pane |
C-b x | Kill the current pane |
C-b z | Toggle pane zoom |
C-b { | Move the current pane to the left |
C-b } | Move the current pane to the right |
C-b ! | Break the current pane into a new window |
Tmux configurations in ~/.tmux.conf
Configuration | |
set -g mouse on | Enable mouse support |
set -g history-limit 10000 | Set the history limit to 10000 lines |
To reload the configuration file tmux source ~/.tmux.conf